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août 2021

Modal Minute #34 – Hands On Patch Editing on CRAFTsynth 2.0

Although ultra-portable, CRAFTsynth 2.0 is a full-featured wavetable synth-treasure box with huge sounds. This Modal Minute shows you how to master this powerhouse with the direct accessible controls, which comes handy if you have no option to connect CRAFTsynth 2.0

A Beginner’s Guide To Music-Making With CRAFTsynth 2.0

CRAFTSynth 2.0 isn’t just a portable and fun way to make exciting new ideas on-the-fly, it also serves as a powerful, easy-to-use, gateway for learning more about the way that all synthesisers work. Over the following series, we’ll explore how

Modal Minute #33 – COBALT8 and ARGON8 Audio In

The Audio Input on COBALT8 and ARGON8 allows to route external audio signals into the synth to jam with your favourite music track or groove box, or to expand the limited amount of input channels on your mixer or audio

Backstage with Marlow Digs

If you’re in-sync with the beat making scene, Marlow Digs needs no introduction. We catchup with the beatmaker extraordinaire taking his look at the artists that influence his production, sampling tips & tricks and how his ARGON8 integrates within his

Modal Minute #32 – Saving Patches on CRAFTsynth 2.0

It's true - BIG things can come in small packages! CRAFTsynth 2.0 is the perfect playground for ambitious sound designers and producers seeking the pinnacle in monophonic wavetable sounds. In this Modal Minute we explain how easy it is to

Let’s Play #8 – Working on Weaker Fingers

Not all fingers are created equal, it seems. Most keyboardists find that the 4th and 5th fingers (the ring finger and the pinky) are somewhat weaker, and a little harder to control when trying to play passages smoothly/in perfect rhythm.

Introducing AlgoRhythms for the COBALT8 Series

Hot-on-the-heels of the COBALT Series firmware v1.1, we are pleased to announce AlgoRhythms - an expertly curated preset pack comprising 30 unique sounds, 20 sequences, 25 rhythmic sounds and 5 uber-expressive performance centric patches.

Modal Minute #31 – Navigate the COBALT8/ARGON8 OLED Display

This Modal Minute shows how easy it is to navigate the display on ARGON8 and COBALT8 using the Push Encoders on either side of the display. It also explains the different interactive modes for the knob response displayed in the

Discover the Power of Polychaining

Did you know each Modal Electronics synth offers a feature called Polychain? In this article we explain what it is and how your creative output will be forever changed by this powerful, often misunderstood feature!