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S’appuyant sur la tradition des sons de synthétiseurs de style analogique, chauds et percutants, conçus par les synthétiseurs légendaires du passé, COBALT8M débloque tout le potentiel créatif des formes d’onde analogiques. Cet instrument puissant et inspirant réinvente l’esthétique des sons analogiques et invite les musiciens, les producteurs et les concepteurs sonores à explorer une nouvelle ère de textures de synthétiseurs analogiques virtuels, bien au-delà des limites de ses ancêtres analogiques.
En plus du moteur d’oscillateur innovant de COBALT8M, nous avons ajouté un arsenal massif de filtres morphables et statiques inspirants. Combiné aux options de modulation inégalées de Modal, à un séquenceur temps réel / pas à pas inspirant, à l’arpégiateur énergisant, au MPE, aux effets de qualité studio et à l’intégration de MODALapp, COBALT8M est le synthé parfait pour tous ceux qui veulent un instrument de musique électronique polyvalent pour jouer des sons de synthé vintage et qui sont désireux d’entrer dans de nouvelles dimensions sonores.
Huit véritables voix polyphoniques incitent les joueurs à pondre de larges accords de cordes ou de riches pad synthétiques, tandis qu’un patch monophonique de basse ou de lead, joué avec 64 oscillateurs, peut faire trembler les murs de tous les stades. Et avec les fonctions de formation du son d’avant-garde, chaque amateur de synthé peut affiner sa performance avec des sons qu’aucun autre synthétiseur n’est capable de générer.
Jouez de riches sons de style analogique grâce à la synthèse analogique virtuelle étendue de la COBALT8M, qui associe une technologie traditionnelle à des fonctions de synthèse modernes.
Créez vos propres sons en exploitant la puissance de l'architecture unique de formes d'onde de la COBALT8M, avec 40 algorithmes complexes et sophistiqués, et la section filtre inéluctable de Modal.
Portez vos performances à un niveau supérieur grâce à la prise en charge des MPE, au séquenceur temps réel/pas intégré de 512 notes, à l'arpégiateur programmable de 32 pas et aux puissantes voies d'animation.
Utilisez les supports de rack inclus pour monter le COBALT8M dans un rack 19" ou utilisez le synthétiseur sur le bureau de votre producteur grâce à son design de table élégant.
Intégrez la COBALT8M dans votre production et vos performances en direct grâce aux connexions MIDI de taille normale et aux entrées et sorties de synchronisation de 3,5 mm.
Accédez à toutes les fonctions du synthétiseur et mettez à jour le COBALT8M via la MODALapp gratuite, disponible sur macOS, Windows, iOS, iPadOS, Android et AU/VST3.
- VA Sweep: Sweep through sine, triangle, saw, square, pulse (with pulse width) (A), ability to detune the oscillators (or snap to musical intervals) using spread (B)
- VA Crushed: Sweep through sine, triangle and saw shapes (A) with real-time control over bit crushing (B)
- Spread Saw: Spread mode with increased oscillator count, ability to blend between the fundamental and detuned oscillators (A) and more comprehensive spread (B) options (e.g oct up + detuned)
- Spread Square: Spread mode with increased oscillator count, ability to blend between the fundamental and detuned oscillators (A) and more comprehensive spread (B) options (e.g oct up + detuned)
- Spread Triangle: Spread mode with increased oscillator count, ability to blend between the fundamental and detuned oscillators (A) and more comprehensive spread (B)options (e.g oct up + detuned)
- PWM: Classic Pulse Width Modulation with width control (A) and ability to detune the oscillators using spread (B)
- PWM Dual: PWM mode where as the width control (A) changes, the pulse width increases in the first cycle of the wave and decreases in the second cycle. Oscillators can be detuned using the spread (B) control
- PWM Triangle / Square: Alternating triangle and square waves with control over the width of the triangle portion (A) and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle to have a different triangle width (inverse) to the first
- PWM Saw Eraser: Wave with both a saw and PWM portion, with control over the ratio between the two portions (A) and the width of the PWM portion (B) relative to parameter A
- PWM Triangle Pinch: Triangle wave with pulse width modulation (A) and an asymmetry control (B) which allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different width to the first (can be wider or narrower)
- Hard Sync Saw: Classic hard sync with un-quantised ratio (A) that can be blended with a sub oscillator (B) one octave below the fundamental
- Hard Sync Square: Classic hard sync with un-quantised ratio (A) that can be blended with a sub oscillator (B) one octave below the fundamental
- Hard Sync Triangle: Classic hard sync with un-quantised ratio (A) that can be blended with a sub oscillator (B) one octave below the fundamental
- Fractal Saw: Complex sync with un-quantised control over ratio (A) and and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different sync ratio to the first
- Fractal Square: Complex sync with un-quantised control over ratio (A) and and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different sync ratio to the first
- Fractal Triangle: Complex sync with un-quantised control over ratio (A) and and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different sync ratio to the first
- Reverse Saw: Periodically reverses the direction of the waveform and changes the playback rate (A), asymmetry control (B) changes the period length (I.e the switch point within a cycle)
- Reverse Square: Periodically reverses the direction of the waveform and changes the playback rate (A), asymmetry control (B) changes the period length (I.e the switch point within a cycle)
- Reverse Triangle: Periodically reverses the direction of the waveform and changes the playback rate (A), asymmetry control (B) changes the period length (I.e the switch point within a cycle)
- Window Amp Sync: Applies amplitude modulation to a sine wave using a hard synced waveform. Features an un-quantised sync ratio control (A) and the ability to morph between multiple window shapes (B)
- Metal Saw: Creates ring modulation/amplitude modulation like effects by syncing a waveform to two separate signals, one at the base rate and one at the sync rate. Features un-quantised control over sync rate (A) and ability to balance between the base wave and the modulated signal (B)
- Metal Square: Creates ring modulation/amplitude modulation like effects by syncing a waveform to two separate signals, one at the base rate and one at the sync rate. Features un-quantised control over sync rate (A) and ability to balance between the base wave and the modulated signal (B)
- Metal Triangle: Creates ring modulation/amplitude modulation like effects by syncing a waveform to two separate signals, one at the base rate and one at the sync rate. Features un-quantised control over sync rate (A) and ability to balance between the base wave and the modulated signal (B)
- Ring Mod Saw: Ring mod applied to two saw waves, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Square: Ring mod applied to two square waves, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Triangle: Ring mod applied to two triangle waves, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Triangle / Square: Ring mod applied to a triangle and a square wave, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Saw / Square: Ring mod applied to a saw and square wave, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Saw / Triangle: Ring mod applied to a saw and triangle wave, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Chaos Saw: Un-quantised ring modulation (A) combined with randomisation (B)
- Chaos Square: Un-quantised ring modulation (A) combined with randomisation (B)
- Chaos Triangle: Un-quantised ring modulation (A) combined with randomisation (B)
- Fold Triangle: Triangle wave-folding (A) with DC offset (B)
- Filtered Noise: Noise generator combined with a morphable filter with full control over Cutoff (A) and Morph (B)
- NEW – FM Saw:Square: Frequency Modulation using a Sawtooth as the carrier and a Square as the modulator with full control over FM Depth (A) and Modulator Frequency Ratio (B)
- NEW – FM Square:Square: Frequency Modulation using a Square as both the carrier and modulator with full control over FM Depth (A) and Modulator Frequency Ratio (B)
- NEW – FM Tri:Square: Frequency Modulation using a Triangle as the carrier and a Square as the modulator with full control over FM Depth (A) and Modulator Frequency Ratio (B)
- NEW – Noise AM Saw: Sawtooth Wave amplitude modulated by a filtered noise source with full control over AM Depth (A) and Noise filter cutoff (B)
- NEW – Noise AM Square: Square Wave amplitude modulated by a filtered noise source with full control over AM Depth (A) and Noise filter cutoff (B)
- NEW – Noise AM Tri: Triangle Wave amplitude modulated by a filtered noise source with full control over AM Depth (A) and Noise filter cutoff (B)
Bonnes choses analogiques et bien plus encore
Filter Extravaganza
La section filtre de la COBALT8M contient une large sélection de plus de 30 types de filtres différents pour adapter avec goût le contenu sonore du mixage des algorithmes. Nos filtres morphables avancés 2-Pole-State Variable Filters et 4-Pole Ladder Filters offrent une flexibilité incroyable pour les sons synthétiques classiques et non conventionnels. Divers filtres passe-bas, passe-bande et passe-haut en échelle avec drive, des combinaisons de types de filtres traditionnels avec des caractéristiques Notch, et bien plus encore, débloquent des sons encore plus classiques et étendent les capacités expérimentales de la COBALT8M avec les sorties de filtres plus complexes pour créer des sons que personne ne pouvait imaginer auparavant.
Types de filtres
- 4-Pole Morphable Lowpass Ladder Filter
- Balanced 4-Pole Morphable Lowpass Ladder Filter
- Morphable Phasing Filter
- Morphable Notch Filter
- State Variable Filter with BP
- State Variable Filter with Notch
- 4 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 3 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 2 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 1 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 4 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 3 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 2 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 1 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 4 pole bandpass Ladder (12dB Lp /12dB Hp) (with drive)
- 2 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- 3 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 12dB Hp) (with drive)
- 3 pole Bandpass Ladder (12dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- 4 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 18dB Hp) (with drive)
- 4 pole Bandpass Ladder (18dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- Notch Ladder (with drive)
- Notch Ladder Alt (with drive)
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch (with drive)
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch Alt (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Bandpass Ladder with Notch (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Bandpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Phaser Ladder (with drive)
- Highpass Ladder with Notch (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Highpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Peaking Filter (with drive)
Façonnez votre son
Nouvelle génération Séquenceur et Arp
Boîtier robuste et fonctionnel
Améliorez vos patchs avec des effets de qualité studio
Connexion de recherche
Accès à toutes les zones
Il y a beaucoup de place pour stocker les créations de patchs, d’effets et de séquences. Dès la sortie de la boîte, 300 des 500 patchs sont remplis de banques de patchs d’usine, soigneusement programmées par certains des sound designers les plus accomplis du monde. Une centaine de configurations d’effets et de séquences personnalisées peuvent également être stockées pour être appliquées à n’importe quel son lors de l’exécution.
Notre bibliothèque de patchs modaux contient des centaines de banques de sons et de sons individuels, allant des sons synthétiques classiques du passé aux nouvelles textures contemporaines. Toutes les banques de sons de notre bibliothèque sont disponibles gratuitement et peuvent être facilement importées via notre MODALapp gratuite.
De la presse
Synthanatomy – “Il est clair qu’il ne veut pas émuler un synthé analogique du passé. Il pousse plutôt les technologies de modélisation analogique vers l’avant.”
Failed Muso – “MODAL a encore une fois un gagnant sur les bras et le plaisir instantané que j’en retire va vraiment me manquer lorsque je devrai renvoyer ce produit”.
Music Radar – “Une autre machine modale aux sonorités brillantes et uniques ! Très flexible pour son prix et un éditeur puissant plus MPE lui donnent un attrait futuriste.”
Application MODAL gratuite pour sessions de programmation sonore immersive
L’application gratuite MODALapp apporte le confort de l’édition à l’écran sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile. Disponible en tant qu’application autonome pour les systèmes macOS, Windows, iOS, iPadOS ou Android et aux formats de plug-in VST3 et AU, c’est le compagnon idéal pour les passionnés de synthé qui cherchent à plonger en profondeur vers tous les paramètres de formation et de performance du son pour créer leurs propres signatures sonores, et à sauvegarder et gérer les patches et les séquences.
- VA Sweep: Sweep through sine, triangle, saw, square, pulse (with pulse width) (A), ability to detune the oscillators (or snap to musical intervals) using spread (B)
- VA Crushed: Sweep through sine, triangle and saw shapes (A) with real-time control over bit crushing (B)
- Spread Saw: Spread mode with increased oscillator count, ability to blend between the fundamental and detuned oscillators (A) and more comprehensive spread (B) options (e.g oct up + detuned)
- Spread Square: Spread mode with increased oscillator count, ability to blend between the fundamental and detuned oscillators (A) and more comprehensive spread (B) options (e.g oct up + detuned)
- Spread Triangle: Spread mode with increased oscillator count, ability to blend between the fundamental and detuned oscillators (A) and more comprehensive spread (B)options (e.g oct up + detuned)
- PWM: Classic Pulse Width Modulation with width control (A) and ability to detune the oscillators using spread (B)
- PWM Dual: PWM mode where as the width control (A) changes, the pulse width increases in the first cycle of the wave and decreases in the second cycle. Oscillators can be detuned using the spread (B) control
- PWM Triangle / Square: Alternating triangle and square waves with control over the width of the triangle portion (A) and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle to have a different triangle width (inverse) to the first
- PWM Saw Eraser: Wave with both a saw and PWM portion, with control over the ratio between the two portions (A) and the width of the PWM portion (B) relative to parameter A
- PWM Triangle Pinch: Triangle wave with pulse width modulation (A) and an asymmetry control (B) which allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different width to the first (can be wider or narrower)
- Hard Sync Saw: Classic hard sync with un-quantised ratio (A) that can be blended with a sub oscillator (B) one octave below the fundamental
- Hard Sync Square: Classic hard sync with un-quantised ratio (A) that can be blended with a sub oscillator (B) one octave below the fundamental
- Hard Sync Triangle: Classic hard sync with un-quantised ratio (A) that can be blended with a sub oscillator (B) one octave below the fundamental
- Fractal Saw: Complex sync with un-quantised control over ratio (A) and and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different sync ratio to the first
- Fractal Square: Complex sync with un-quantised control over ratio (A) and and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different sync ratio to the first
- Fractal Triangle: Complex sync with un-quantised control over ratio (A) and and an asymmetry control (B) that allows every second cycle of the wave to have a different sync ratio to the first
- Reverse Saw: Periodically reverses the direction of the waveform and changes the playback rate (A), asymmetry control (B) changes the period length (I.e the switch point within a cycle)
- Reverse Square: Periodically reverses the direction of the waveform and changes the playback rate (A), asymmetry control (B) changes the period length (I.e the switch point within a cycle)
- Reverse Triangle: Periodically reverses the direction of the waveform and changes the playback rate (A), asymmetry control (B) changes the period length (I.e the switch point within a cycle)
- Window Amp Sync: Applies amplitude modulation to a sine wave using a hard synced waveform. Features an un-quantised sync ratio control (A) and the ability to morph between multiple window shapes (B)
- Metal Saw: Creates ring modulation/amplitude modulation like effects by syncing a waveform to two separate signals, one at the base rate and one at the sync rate. Features un-quantised control over sync rate (A) and ability to balance between the base wave and the modulated signal (B)
- Metal Square: Creates ring modulation/amplitude modulation like effects by syncing a waveform to two separate signals, one at the base rate and one at the sync rate. Features un-quantised control over sync rate (A) and ability to balance between the base wave and the modulated signal (B)
- Metal Triangle: Creates ring modulation/amplitude modulation like effects by syncing a waveform to two separate signals, one at the base rate and one at the sync rate. Features un-quantised control over sync rate (A) and ability to balance between the base wave and the modulated signal (B)
- Ring Mod Saw: Ring mod applied to two saw waves, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Square: Ring mod applied to two square waves, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Triangle: Ring mod applied to two triangle waves, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Triangle / Square: Ring mod applied to a triangle and a square wave, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Saw / Square: Ring mod applied to a saw and square wave, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Ring Mod Saw / Triangle: Ring mod applied to a saw and triangle wave, with quantised ratio control (A) that snaps through a series of useful ratios, and a fine control (B), which cross-fades between these ratios allowing precise control across the whole range
- Chaos Saw: Un-quantised ring modulation (A) combined with randomisation (B)
- Chaos Square: Un-quantised ring modulation (A) combined with randomisation (B)
- Chaos Triangle: Un-quantised ring modulation (A) combined with randomisation (B)
- Fold Triangle: Triangle wave-folding (A) with DC offset (B)
- Filtered Noise: Noise generator combined with a morphable filter with full control over Cutoff (A) and Morph (B)
- NEW – FM Saw:Square: Frequency Modulation using a Sawtooth as the carrier and a Square as the modulator with full control over FM Depth (A) and Modulator Frequency Ratio (B)
- NEW – FM Square:Square: Frequency Modulation using a Square as both the carrier and modulator with full control over FM Depth (A) and Modulator Frequency Ratio (B)
- NEW – FM Tri:Square: Frequency Modulation using a Triangle as the carrier and a Square as the modulator with full control over FM Depth (A) and Modulator Frequency Ratio (B)
- NEW – Noise AM Saw: Sawtooth Wave amplitude modulated by a filtered noise source with full control over AM Depth (A) and Noise filter cutoff (B)
- NEW – Noise AM Square: Square Wave amplitude modulated by a filtered noise source with full control over AM Depth (A) and Noise filter cutoff (B)
- NEW – Noise AM Tri: Triangle Wave amplitude modulated by a filtered noise source with full control over AM Depth (A) and Noise filter cutoff (B)
31 types de filtres résonnants, dont des filtres morphables et statiques.
Échelle de coupure avec trois modes distincts
Types de filtres
- 4-Pole Morphable Lowpass Ladder Filter
- Balanced 4-Pole Morphable Lowpass Ladder Filter
- Morphable Phasing Filter
- Morphable Notch Filter
- State Variable Filter with BP
- State Variable Filter with Notch
- 4 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 3 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 2 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 1 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 4 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 3 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 2 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 1 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 4 pole bandpass Ladder (12dB Lp /12dB Hp) (with drive)
- 2 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- 3 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 12dB Hp) (with drive)
- 3 pole Bandpass Ladder (12dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- 4 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 18dB Hp) (with drive)
- 4 pole Bandpass Ladder (18dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- Notch Ladder (with drive)
- Notch Ladder Alt (with drive)
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch (with drive)
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch Alt (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Bandpass Ladder with Notch (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Bandpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Phaser Ladder (with drive)
- Highpass Ladder with Notch (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Highpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Peaking Filter (with drive)
Trois générateurs d’enveloppe dédiés pour AMP, MOD et FILTER, accessibles indépendamment ou simultanément, y compris des versions négatives (inversées) pour les ENV MOD et FILTER.
Trois LFO à débit audio avec synchronisation du tempo (deux poly, un global) avec sept formes différentes.
Huit emplacements de modulation assignables et quatre routages de modulation fixes supplémentaires pour les affectations communes avec 12 sources de modulation et 55 destinations de modulation.
Séquenceur et arpégiateur
Séquenceur polyphonique en temps réel avec 512 notes et quatre animations de paramètres enregistrables/éditables (les effets de délai, les LFO, le séquenceur et l’arpégiateur peuvent être synchronisés en interne ou en externe).
Séquenceur polyphonique à pas de 64 pas, 8 notes par pas, 4 voies d’animation de style Parameter-Lock, mode Step Input, plusieurs modes de lecture, y compris des modes gate et une fonction de repos.
Arpégiateur programmable sophistiqué intégré de 32 pas avec possibilité de repos jusqu’à 2048 pas avant répétition.
Mémoire de l'utilisateur
500 mémoires de patch, toutes entièrement éditables et livrées avec 300 programmes d’usine
100 présélections de séquenceur qui peuvent être liées à n’importe quel patch pour charger rapidement des arrangements
100 presets FX
4 emplacements de rappel rapide accessibles depuis le panneau pour charger rapidement vos patchs préférés
Contrôles et performances
13 encodeurs commutés, 13 encodeurs, 9 boutons
Joystick à 4 axes qui peut être assigné à un large éventail de destinations de modulation et virtuellement “verrouillé” lorsque vous le souhaitez.
Modes de voix multiples, Mono, Poly, Unison 2, unison 4, unison 8, Stack 2 et Stack 4.
Glide/Portamento avec les modes legato et staccato.
Contrôle d’inversion d’accords pour créer facilement des inversions et des variations d’accords.
Inputs and Outputs
Sorties ligne mono double 6,35 mm / 1/4″ TS
Sortie casque 6,35 mm / 1/4″ TRS
Entrée audio stéréo 3,5 mm / 1/8″ TRS
Entrée et sortie MIDI DIN
Entrée et sortie de synchronisation d’horloge analogique TS 3,5 mm / 1/8″.
Connexion MIDI over USB conforme à la norme
Entrée pour pédale d’expression 6,35 mm / 1/4″ TRS
Entrée pour pédale de sustain 6,35 mm / 1/4″ TS
Boîtier et afficheur
Boîtier de style table, supports pour montage en rack 19″ 3U inclus (nécessite un espace libre de 1U au-dessus ou des connecteurs à angle droit).
Grand écran OLED de 1,54 pouce pour un retour visuel instantané à tout moment de la lecture/édition.
Logiciel d'édition
L’éditeur gratuit MODALapp est disponible pour macOS, Windows, iOS et Android.
MODALapp peut également être exécuté dans votre station de travail audio numérique (DAW), avec des versions VST3 et AU disponibles.
Conseils et astuces
Firmware v2.1
Veuillez mettre à jour votre COBALT8M via l’application autonome MODALapp.
- Updated the Note > Cutoff behaviour when using the Relative and Bipolar Filter Cutoff Scaling modes so that it tracks portamento / glide and pitch bend
- Added a panel shortcut for the Osc Free Run parameter – hold the ‘Patch’ button and turn the Osc2 Tune control (the ‘A2/Tune2’ encoder)
- Improved the behaviour / feel of the encoder when controlling the Cutoff Scaling parameter
- Fixed an arpeggiator delay / latency issue introduced in Firmware V2
- Fixed arpeggiator hanging notes issues potentially seen when using long divisions and gate lengths
- Fixed an arpeggiator chord mode issue where pressed notes may not all be added to the arp straight away
- Fixed very rare crash when sending certain tempo values from external MIDI
- Added 14 new FX including a new reverb algorithm:
- Reverb V2
- Phaser V2
- Unisoniser
- Compressor
- Three Band EQ
- Mono Drive (Hard Clip)
- Mono Drive (Soft Clip)
- Mono Drive (Rectify)
- Mono Drive (Fold)
- Stereo Drive (Hard Clip)
- Stereo Drive (Soft Clip)
- Stereo Drive (Rectify)
- Stereo Drive (Fold)
- Utility
- 27 New Filter Types: 2 morphable, 25 non-morphable where the ‘Morph’ parameter instead becomes ‘Drive’.
- State Variable Filter with BP
- State Variable Filter with Notch
- 4 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 3 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 2 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 1 pole Lowpass Ladder (with drive)
- 4 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 3 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 2 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 1 pole Highpass Ladder (with drive)
- 4 pole bandpass Ladder (12dB Lp /12dB Hp) (with drive)
- 2 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- 3 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 12dB Hp) (with drive)
- 3 pole Bandpass Ladder (12dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- 4 pole Bandpass Ladder (6dB Lp / 18dB Hp) (with drive)
- 4 pole Bandpass Ladder (18dB Lp / 6dB Hp) (with drive)
- Notch Ladder (with drive)
- Notch Ladder Alt (with drive)
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch (with drive)
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch Alt (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Lowpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Bandpass Ladder with Notch (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Bandpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Phaser Ladder (with drive)
- Highpass Ladder with Notch (with drive) – notch closes with resonance
- Highpass Ladder with Notch and Resonance (with drive)
- Peaking Filter (with drive)
- Vintage Parameter – Emulating the behaviour of vintage synths by introducing variation between the voices
- Osc Free Run – Emulating the behaviour of analogue oscillators by allowing them to run freely
- 7 new arpeggiator directions:
- Chord
- Pendulum 2 – Repeats the last note when reversing direction
- N-Pendulum 2 – Pendulum 2 in note number order
- Reverse Pendulum – A reverse version of Pendulum
- N-Reverse Pendulum – A reverse version of N-Pendulum
- Reverse Pendulum 2 – A reverse version of Pendulum 2
- N-Reverse Pendulum 2 – A reverse version of N-Pendulum 2
- Added a “Cutoff Scaling” patch parameter for improved filter cutoff behaviour with the following modes:
- Legacy – The existing cutoff control scaling curve and note-to-cutoff tracking behaviour
- Relative – A new cutoff control scaling curve that is more balanced and changes the note-to-cutoff tracking to behave more closely to analogue synths. In this mode note-to-cutoff tracks best when the cutoff control is at 0.
- Bipolar – The same cutoff control scaling curve as the ‘Relative’ mode, except in this mode note-to-cutoff tracks best when the cutoff control is at 64.
- Improved internal gain staging for increased output volume in most cases
- Improved the screen’s filter graph / parameter pages in the following ways:
- Improved the graph to be a more accurate representation of the filter
- The Type parameter page now displays both the graph and text value
- Improved Audio In sound quality
- Fixed issue with the tempo-synced delay times
- Fixed a potential arpeggiator note ordering issue when playing arps with an arp octave value of 2 or more
- Fixed a potential arpeggiator note ordering issue when playing arp patterns using a pendulum direction mode
- Fixed issue where the first loop of the arpeggiator sequence may not contain all pressed notes when using the ‘backwards’ direction mode
- Fixed FX preset indexing issue introduced in v1.3
- Fixed FX parameters not always being updated for polychain slaves
- New Chorus FX (“Chorus (v2)”), introduced in COBALT5S, added to the COBALT8 series
- Fixed sequencer name desync issue
- Improved USB MIDI Connectivity on Mac OS Big Sur
- Enhanced reliability for large data transfers with MODALapp
- 6 new oscillator algorithms (Noise AM and Square FM types)
- Added ‘Master’ clock mode that always sends out MIDI clock
- Improved arpeggiator sync when working with external sequencers
- Improved expression pedal behaviour
- Improved LFO1 sync when clocked from external MIDI
- Removed some modulation assignment options that don’t make sense
- Fixed some re-trigger issues with the S+H shape on LFO1
- Fixed issue where an external CC 0 (bank) message would cause the screen to switch to the ‘play’ page, if screen switching is enabled for external MIDI messages.
- Fixed Tri Noise screen display glitches
- Fixed issue where vibrato assignments could cause oscillator pitch offsets
- Fixed an edge case when loading a step sequence with 0 steps
- Fixed Y+ to LFO1 assignment not always working as expected
- Fixed app sync of XY lock parameter
Éditeur de logiciels
L’application gratuite MODALapp apporte le confort de l’édition sur écran sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile. Disponible sous forme d’application autonome pour les systèmes macOS, Windows, iOS, iPadOS ou Android et aux formats de plug-in VST3 et AU, c’est le compagnon idéal pour les passionnés de synthé qui cherchent à plonger en profondeur dans tous les paramètres de formation du son et de performance pour créer leurs propres sons caractéristiques.